Friday, November 29, 2013
Hey Ya'll
Hey ya'll don't laugh but I don't really feel like I should be writing but then again I do.Have any of you ever felt this way? Well even with this lack of motivation I still have a love for writing and the love I have for writing is stronger so I think I'll write regardless.So here it goes.First off HAPPY SABATH. I hope that every one has had a happy thanks giving holiday. Now with that out of the way I'll get to my writing and todays subject at hand.I ran into a odd personality today and I had to step back and observe it for a few minute(analyze). The first thing I was about to do was to react But I caught myself in time and I must say handled it very well.In my experience life is funny like that some times.Oh let me say this also.The peron had a stronge personality and so do I.So If I had of reacted it would maybe have been satifying momentarily but could have turned to disaster. I understand that if we don't act on emotion and use some logic it often will benifit us.So I hope that you all can get something out of this little incident and maybe it will help some one in there times of trials and tribulation.Oh well, thats it for now and don't forget "you are special and yes some one loves you". Till next time -BrogdenMedia-
Saturday, November 16, 2013
HI readers. its me once again .Happy Sabath and I hope alls well. Recently I've had a mild case of writters block. Can you believe that? Me ! Of all things.Well It seems to me that this mild case of writters block came about because I had too many choices to choose from.Ain't that something? I'm currently experimenting with a few blogging platforms and its because of this that I to understand my newest ah ha moment.Now thats funny.(Too much is not enough .Here I was confronted with all these blogging platforms and yet I had nothing to blog about.Man,I sure learned a lesson because of this."Oh well, Such is life". As for blogging platforms I've decided "If it works stick with it". Don't get me wrong because there's nothing wrong with change, especially if its for the better.The thing to avoid is unnecessary change.This can be murder to you're creativity."Don't do it,please.If you are looking for a good blogging platform it not hard to find.The internet is full of blogging platforms.Some are free and others are premium but the cost is not out of reach.If you are going to start a blog you can began here.These are some of my favorites:
1.)WORDPRESS- Wordpress has both free and paid sites.
2.)BOGGER / BLOG SPOT- This is offered by Google. Its free and very popular.
3.)LIVE JOURNAL- they have both free and paid platforms.
Ok these are my to[p 3 picks.More are available but I tend to stick with these.Take you're time and look around .I'm sure you'll find something that works for you.With that I'll say good by for now.Its been real and happy blogging.
PS. For more infor visit our other sites at:
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Whats with GMAIL and the new tabs thing? Any info on whats going on with Google?I mean like wow,were you guys ready for a change.Better still do we really need a change? I understand that change has to happen(all things change)and for the most part change can be good.What gets me is when something changes but gives no warning or hint that its going to change.Now ,don't get me wrong and in all fairness I'll say that I honestly don't know if Google gave a notice about the Email(Gmail) changes or not.The angle that concerns me is this."Is this a change for the better" and "Did we need this change"?This is how i(small I because I get that its not all about me)feel about the changes in Google mail.Personally I liked the way things were.although Google does things they believe will have the best outcome for the brand and it's users,I have to raze a question when they make these changes.Not to get off the topic but when they do things such as the Google slaps and other changes,well they affect everyone involved.I can only hope that in the future(near future preffered) that some how legislation can be set in place to govern certain things.This would be only to help even the playing feild. If you don't think so,just remember not long ago the changes made and the affects they had on people at companies such as Ebay,FB, Google and others.In all fairness guys thes are just some of my personal thoughts.I may be correct or wrong about some things and for the most part I will work it out.Thats one of the things that makes my country(America) a great place.Where would we be without " Freedom Of Speech"? So much for now.If you have something that you would like to add please leave you're comments at PS. For more go to our Fashion site at We are getting it in yall. Good By for now :E.D. Brogden
To recieve our News Letter and other
Info snd Specials .CLICK HERE!!!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Hey Thier.Whats good my friend? Glade to have you and welcome.
Oh boy,here we are at November already.How about that? Gee,Time is flying to say the least.What about you? Were you able to reach the goals you set for yourself in 2013? If not ,we'll try again this year coming.Don't forget that doing the same things and looking for differant outcomes is said to define straight insanity. So I propose trying something ellse this year.If you have some of the same goals its ok.We've got to go about achieving these goals in another way.Yeah thats it. I want to share something "Practice Makes Perfect". Yes and with a measure of stick to it ism plus focus.With the right mind set anything is posable. You see I know that this will work and if you need help or for more info just ask. You can reach me by Email or leave a comment. Oh yeah .Beforre I forget."I in no way am claiming any results for your outcome.Look ,I don't know you or anything about you.I do know that these things on my blog hold true for me.So believe me when I stress that results may vary.I will be glad to help if needed. Thank you for reding this blogpost and do come back "You hear"?
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Really? Well check this out. Hey readers.Glad for the chance to write and share with you all again. You know ,life is a challeng.In fact life is very challenging. The good thing about that is that regardless of whatever you are up against ,well you can win.Thats right you can win and excell in life.You;r going to have to work for it but if its what you want.You can have it.Personally ,I wish you all success."Why" you may be asking yourself and my answer to that my friend"You deserve to be successful. Exscuse me for a minute but "Lets go, Lets go,Lets go"! Okay .I'm back.Now look people we all want the best.Some of us want it more than others and some of us has allowed life to defeat us.Yeah and thats a very sad thing people.Listen to me if you forget everything that I say to you.Please remember this.Never ,ever let life defeat you.You are better than somebodies failure.That right.People believe me when I tell you"theres greatness in you" and I mean all of you.We make mistakes.Don't define yourself by you'r failures.They are lessons .Thats a map for you to know where to go..You see if it was easy everyone would be doing it.Every day that the creator blesses you to see we need to make the most of it."Why"? Once again. "Theres greatness in you"! Lets go!I don't know people.What the future holds but I want the best for you .Yep, my family deserves the best and I want to see to it that they get it.I'm now in the import trade .Why? Because I see the opertunity to make others have a better life.I'm happy that I can add value to peoples lives.So look .Lets aspire to be better than average.Its time to shine ya'll.Till the next time"Lets go"!!! -E.D.Brogden- www.HairWright.comGo to store
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Hi there
Good day readers.At least I hope that you have a good day.Can we do that? I think we can.So lets all have a good day.Yeah thats it. If we all have a good day,than we should all be good with that.Thats what it is.
Now. Lets go to the subject at hand.Today readers, I am going to write a few thoughts on my favorite apps and why I think these apps are good or badIf you have any appsthat you find to be helpful or useful please feel free to leave a comment.Yeah, leave your input.We are always happy to hear the viewpoints of our readers.So by all means please do.
These are my top five(5) apps.
Owner & CEO: E.D.Brogden
BrogdenMediaco(Review Site)
Good day readers.At least I hope that you have a good day.Can we do that? I think we can.So lets all have a good day.Yeah thats it. If we all have a good day,than we should all be good with that.Thats what it is.
Now. Lets go to the subject at hand.Today readers, I am going to write a few thoughts on my favorite apps and why I think these apps are good or badIf you have any appsthat you find to be helpful or useful please feel free to leave a comment.Yeah, leave your input.We are always happy to hear the viewpoints of our readers.So by all means please do.
These are my top five(5) apps.
- TIKL: This is a walkie talkie
- PAYPAL: Great app.Allows me to login without being too time consuming
- MAPS(Google): Never get lost with this GPS & NAVIGATOR
- REDLASER: I use this app(Barcode Scanner) to do price checks on products I'm interested in
- SUPER TASK KILLER: Actually save battery usage by shutting off apps when not in use.
Owner & CEO: E.D.Brogden
BrogdenMediaco(Review Site)
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Hi readers. We at BROGDENMEDIA want to welcome you to another edition of our informative but humble blog. One things for sure"I really enjoy writting for you all. As usual guys the seasons change as time marches onward.Like so many years gone by .This one will do the same.Theres a odd feeling that I often get when summer comes t o it's end and fall is now in sight. In the morning you can smell it,you can feel the slight chill in the crispness of the coolness of the mornings.Yes ,something about those latter days of summer and like years gone by,we'll soon be missing the oh so hot summer days all over again.Dont start counting now.Before you know it the holidays will be here and gone.My question to you is"What new goals are you going to tackle in the coming year. Hopefully we together will create a better future for the ones that come behind us. I see life as being somewhate short"Too short even". Lets start today if we hav'nt started as of yet.Its not to latebut it is up to us people.We can demolish a lot of hate if we only begin with ourselves.I'm willing to try .Are you? Peace to all.CEO&Owner of BrogdenMedia. E.D. Brogden VISIT: BROGDENMEDIACO
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Deep Research
Hi Readers . This is your #1 writer coming to you with another lesson learned.Let me add to that "another lesson learned the hard way". I Share these sort of things because I know that if I put it out there,you'll read it and I know that you can and you will learn from it. Its like some people say "Learn from other peoples mistake".Yeah and thats all good.It can save you some time and maybe save you from lots of pain. What ever! Hey ,check this out. I found a niche .This niche is profitable.I did ssome research but I was so happy to finally find a product that had such a demand I did just enough research.Guess what? It was not enough.I should have done more,lots more.You see. The product is hard to find domestically.I found myself having to order from China.Thats correct"Chin"!!!.So ,now I had orders and no products.Even if I dropshiped it was going to be a long drawn out process. My buyers were getting impatient.I dont blame them.With so much fraud and all going on today.I mean how could I? Well ,if I had researched a little more I would have known this and thus avoided the wholeepisode. So its a lesson learned.If you ever get into a situation like this one.Do you research.So now you know. If you liked this please leave a comment .Thaks a bunch E. D. Brogden(BrogdenMedia's CEO & Owner)
Monday, July 29, 2013
Man. Whats been going on readers? Glad to be writting again.Man,you just dont know. I've been checking out a lot of forums as of late and they are something ellse,to say the least.I was beginning to think that maybe I would start spending more of my time on forums and less time on social media. So , now I stand corrected. You see I've come to the realization that forums are perhaps the forruner of the FB's & Twitters and so on. Dont get me wrong now.You see forums are a good thing and they have there place. Oh yeah, they are very informative and valuable indeed. Now lets go a little farther, Now ,the way that I see it .Forums (blogs too) are a form of social media.Oh yeah,the sites like Face Book for instance .These SM site are really forums to the next power.In other words "A big improvement"..After trying both.Ive come to the conclusion that I'm more comfortableand I just plain old like my social media sites much more than forum sites.Well there you have it.If you care to share your thoughts .Feel free to comment.Till next time this is the one and only E.D. Brogden of BrogdenMedia..And What?!... Peace
P.S. Oh .By the way . For the best bargains around.Check out my Ebay Store. We've got some really good deals
P.S. Oh .By the way . For the best bargains around.Check out my Ebay Store. We've got some really good deals
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Hello Readers:
Ye.s readers,you read the headline correctly"THE SEARCH" is on.We at BrogdenMedia are in the process of creating a new list just for you.We're collecting the info of all comming clearance sales,close outs,liquidations and trade shows.
You may be asking yourself why? Why are we doing this? Well you see,in todays economy its going to help businesses to have good conections.Better conections come with better info. A greate number of "wholesalers" are charging pricess that leave you with very little if any profit at all.We will also be giving you more info as we recieve it.Oh yeah and you dont have to worry because we are'nt gonna charge you for this info.You see we understand that helping others is a good thing and we want to add to your success.Dont get it twisted .We like makking money.Its just that we understand that money is not everything.So check back often. Heck , you can even leave a comment if you want.We will respond in a timely fashion and get back to you as soon as we can.

Thursday, May 9, 2013
Hi Readers and welcome.
Media Man here.
Wonderfull Springtime is here and once again we will see natures first green.Truelly "Natures first green is beuatifull".I've heard this many times.I must say it is really true.Over the years I have taken the time to observe the new growth of sringtime and surely the grass as well as the tree leavs are a lighter colored green.If you take the time to check this out you will see that when fall comes,or not so much as the fall time ,but the later part of summer time.You will notice that the green is darker and although still plaesant,its not as beuatifull as in the spring time .So heres what you do .Take a camera and take a few photos of the first green in spring time.OK ,now hold on to these photos .Next I want you to make a not to go along with the photos.Calenders are OK but it may be go better if you make notes,especially if you can put the notes inside the photos.Lastly when the end of summer time comes neartake more photos.This works best if you can photograph the same sites and plants EXT. All thats left to do now is compare.
PS> This is a time consumming task. Have a great summer -Everette-
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Welcome Readers...
Once Again Its Your Boy
Hey What can I say ? Money Mayweather has done it again. Geraro(hope his name is spelled corectly),maybe the next time.Maybe Its just me but did anyone notice that Geraro's dad was nowhere to be found after the fight? I was suprised considering the fact that he had so much to say befor the fight.By the way ,it was a very good fight .I mean you could'nt ask for more.Oh ,heres a idea, it might be a good idea to not run your mouth so much before doing battle with a true champ.I don't know .Just an idea.Anyway ,great fight MR. Mayweather.So there you have it -Still the World Champian Floyd Money Mayweather- And What?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
No Smoking...
Hi gang .Got to talk to you about smoking cigarettes.Personally myself ,well I'm not a smoker.I used to smoke.In fact I smoked for a lot of years(to many).What I'm going to share with you today is how I stoped smoking and broke the habit.Before I go any further let me say this the fist thing I did before anything was"I prayed". Yep you heard me correctly"I prayed to GOD" and I truly believe that if it were not for GOD I never would have been successfull.Now, to continue .I was so,so tired and stressed out ,my health was not at its best,if I was confronted with a test I would have to put forth a little extra effort and man oh man I was starting to feel it.I don't know about you but when it comes to me "I'm used to winning" and now with me getting older I find myself putting forth a little more effort.So eventually I came to a point and realized that I need a edge.I researched and desided that cigarettes had to go and that was final.If you feel like you need a boost or edge ,then you are going to have to make the hard choices and thats what I did.Hey look here . Take it from me ,if you want to stop smoking you can do it, well I believe anybody can.So what are you waiting for? Oh yeah .It depends on a lot of things .Some people start eating more.Fact of the matter is when you stop one habit you will most likely substitute it with another habit.A relative of mine started chewing gum instead of eating more food which can give you another problem in its place (overwieght).Whatever you do,you've got to start.So go ahead and just start.You can do it.Take it from me. Check this out.Tell you what I am going to do.Because I believe in you and I know you can do it.Here my info.Feel free to Email me with any questions.If you need some motivation call me .I'll be here. Call 443-469-6660 / Thanks from CMO & Founder: E.D.Brogden PS. For Info on our Marketing services.Feel free to visit our website online : 

Friday, April 19, 2013
Hey guys ,Media Man here. Today we are going to talk about business logos.So if you have a business of your own than you'v come to the best place.I've been wanting to come up with a logo for some time now.So many choices .it can easily leave you over whelmed.Not to worry though because there is hope and I will soon get to the reason why.You see I search and searched the internet for some softwar and while plenty of softwar exist ,they were somewhat pricy.I did'nt give up though and before long it finally happened .Yep I came across the softwar that answers my needs.You may find this softwar usefull also.I see where I can add some value by sharring ,so here it is...Go to Okay now go and check it out .Its free.Pleas let me know how it works out for you and leave a comment. Holla back -MediaMan .For more info about our marketing packages go to - Thank you so much for your help.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Crunch Time!!!...(again.)
Well, well, here we are again ,another beuatifull day.Hope we all make the best of it.By the way do you realize that we are fastly approaching the half year mark?What about the things that you wanted to do this year(your goals)? If you hav'nt reached any of them as of yet.Can you still get there? Believe me when I say"Its not to late".You can still make it happenLook here,I don't have a clue as to where you are at.I will say this though.If you are seriouse about reaching your goals a good place to pick up on or began is with the most difacult goals and objectives fist.Yes. Lets get the mosttimechallenging things done forst. once thats done the remainder will be somewhate easier.OK, net make sure you write and organize your days.If you manage your time better you can get more things done.By doing this you may be suprised at the forward progress you acomplish.Remember"half the year is basically gone". So on that not I'll leave you with this.Peace&much prosperity. Now lets gooooo!!!Lets go, lets go!!!... PS. For information that will lead to a more productive business.Go to -
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Google Mania!!!
Hey guys. Google. So much that I can say about Google. Hardly know what to begin with. For the record ,yes I am a big fan of Google. Like most people I can be found on FaceBook but not to get it twisted ,I more often than not will be found pounding the keyboard at Google plus. Hey , it's just something about that good old Google that makes you go there.In case you did'nt know they (Google) have a whole host of apps . Too many to name here.That reminds me of a story.I remember back before the start of BrogdenMedia co. I needed more storage space .So I searched and came up with a good number of cloud services. I choose one called DropBox. I was happy with DropBox.Later I did another search( used Google search eng.) This time I was made aware of Google Docs( now Google Drive) .Google Drive has a free service & a paid service as well.To make a not so long story even shorter Google Drive(free) had twice the amount of gigs or space for free .So I gave them a try . Needless to say I've been using GD ever since.Go figure.Lol. For anyone thats about to start a business I highly recomend Google Talks.If you go to GT you will find a larg variety of business webinars.The webinars are free and very informative.Most of these GT webinars are hosted and presented by well known pros. Hey like I said this is a lot of info and if I was to share everything it would take to long.So on that note go and do a search and your homework.I can tell you this"you'll be happy you did".For the best in business marketing and to increase your business go too You can also reach us by Email . Till the next time "Do more Business!!!"...
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Heat Is On .Or Is It?
Hi guys . Feels like a hundred degreese outside.Man , this is going to take some getting used to. The good thing is that the long awaited summer is finally come.Yep!.. Its not official though but its close and it sure feels like its summer time. Peaple ,I've got a few words of advice for you."Don't retire your winter garments as of yet."Reason being" Summers not official. still a while to go."So with that said . Enjoy the warm weather and stay in good health.And don't forget " For The Best Marketing Around You Just Got To Go To BrogdenMedia co. P.S. Don't forget to like us on FaceBook . CEO : E. D. Brogden.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Dog History
Hey Readers.Hows it going? I certainly hope you are having a good day.Have you ever wondered where dogs came from and how did we know they would make good pets?Well, I've read & read and then I did some research and guess what? There are a few speculations but no one knows for sure where dogs (mans best freind) comes from.I read the Bible and the best answer I can come up with is that GOD made the animals.Thats the best writen answer I could come up with. Hey ,but check this out( my thinking) OK now I had a German Shepard(Tank). His fathers name was Brutis.Both of these dogs had wolf in them.So if you look at a German Shepard you can see it may actually have come from wolves.Thats a good theory but what about the outher breeds of dogs? Thats a good question.I mean you've got foxes, bangies, dingoes and many other wild animals that resemble dogs.So with that said this subject deservs more research. Tillnext time .-E D Brogden.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Yeah!!! Its Sping Again.
Hey guys .Hows it going ? Good to be here.Can hardly believe that winter is over.Over all we had a pretty good winter.Question.Does any one know anything about acupuncture?Well I have a friend that a doctor of acupuncture and Im going to add a new subject to the BrogdenMedia blog.Send us a comment and tell us what you think.That reminds me.Speeking of springtime I have more great news.Thats what I said and yes, you heard it first hear at BrogdenMedia.This summer you are going to have the priveledge of treating your lawn to the best lawncare services around .Folks Jay's Lawncare does everything.So you are getting a care free summer .You can rest asured that your lawn is going to be getting the best of care and the price is designed to give you more value than you pay for.You see at Jay's Lawn care its not just about us and making money.Jay's Lawncare services is a company that believes in beuatifying our community and developing real relationships.Relationships where we grow together.I guess you can saythat we are just old school because we still believe in community and family.So take the time this summer and treat your home (lawn) to a manicure.Come and see Jay's Lawncare services today. You'll be glad you did. PS. Like us on Facebook.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday.Let The Weekend Began.
Happy Friday to all of my valued readers.Did you have a good and productive week? I certainly hope so.As always my B day has come and gone.They come and go so fast,I mean its mind blowing. Theres a lot going on at this point and time" can easilly be over the limit".How ever ,we must keep on moving forward and by all means While you are out there doing what it is that you do I want you to allways remember that if you believe in yourself, act as if and allways give more than 100%(do your best) you can win in life.So, There you have it.Hey guys have yourself a wonderfull weekend.Peace. -MediaMan-
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Its A New Day!
Okay yall.Had the birthday yesterday and now its over.I got some rest and now its back to the daily grind.Speaking of grind,I have some new ideas for my new web site.I am going to startgiving away for free wall paper .I dont know yet but I might do ring tones free too(free).I will be giving my readers a advance notice before I launch so stay tuned and check back regularly.Thats just the tip of the ice burg.I have a few suprises up my sleeves .You'll have to wait and see.For those of you that read and follow the blog(BrogdenMedia) I have a few new things in store for you also.So untill then ,
Monday, March 4, 2013
Oppertunity... Friend,
Please check out this NEW and EXCITING "Instant Reseller"
program! Loaded with true internet based products that
pays you and your team 100% in residual commissions!
Plus they have a 300% commission quick start bonus program.
Look at these amazing and powerful Marketing Tools you get
to resell...
- A professional auto responder service, better than aweber
or getresponse!
- An amazing video email service
- A conference room, similar to GoTomeeting
Plus so much more...
And the company is paying out 100% commissions on all
product sales!
Check it out now, as the quicker you get started the sooner
you can be in immediate profit with your team!
Check out this life changing offer now!
-- Everette Brogden
Friday, March 1, 2013
Why Me?
Hey there readers and welcome to the BrogdenMedia Blogpost.Question? "Have you ever lost something and it seems as thoe you only lost it because the time finally came when you needed it most" Well that happened to me today.It all started this morning .First thing this morning my cousin gave me a lift to an appointmentthat I had to attend.Once we got to the site I did everything that was required of me but then before I could leave I had to show my license.Needless to say I was really disapointed.My license and ID was not ther.Ouch, that hurts. Wow!So I know what comes next but not to worry.I just got to do it .Thats all.I do want to put this one thing out there .That one thing is this." Please if you or anyone ellse happens to find a wallet or purse with a persons ID.Please do the good thing and return it.You may be saving someone a lot of running around and cost.Thanks so much.Peace -Media Man-
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wast Not, Want Not
Hey Family, Friends and Readers. I hope alls well. We are about to enter the month of March (my B Day month)and soon it will be spring time.Meantime we still got to deal with the cold, cold winter.So today I want to talk to you all about making the most out of what we have.Yeah , I know we want more and thats natural but for the most part before we are given increase we must make the most of what we already have.Its just like in school . You had to complete one grade before you moved on to a higher grade.Same thing happens at work.You will be promoted only if and when its proven that you can handle your present responsabilaty properly and then comes the promotions.So many of us just want more loot(money).Don't forget what Biggie said "More money, More problems". This is a true statment if I ever heard one.So first, lets get all of our ducks lined up and then move on.I want the best for all of my readers.Thats why when I find a good opertunity I always share them with my readers but remember its up to you to take advantage and follow through. If you want to chat.Go to the bottom of this page and contact me or you can Email me.To join my site look at the side bar . Till next time.Peace!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Rainy Days...
Hey readers.Its raining once again but one thing I do know about the rain is that at some point it will have to stop and the sun will shine.So keep your heads up and keep the faith because you can win.I can remember when I was trying so hard to provide and take care of my family. I hated my job( if you can call it that) and my plan was to start my own internet business but too no avail.I mean it just was'nt happening.These were some very hard times .I can remember I really was considering giving up.The only thing that kept me going was my faith in the creator(GOD) and my loved ones(children & wife). Guys I had to make something happen .If not for me, then for them. You see I had about a 2 year learning curve and not one thing seemed to happen during this period of time but eventually I had my first brake.Oh and I firmly believe that everything changes.The only thing that does'nt change is GOD himself.So on that note people I just want to say keep on moving.You can do it.If you want a business of your own.You need to go to
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I Think I Can...
Hey guys .Once again its me(edbrogden) and I want to share some information with you.Over the last couple of years or so I've read a lot of books and I learned a whole lot over those years people.Now I want to pass on what I 've learned in order to help others.Maybe together somones learning curve may be shortened.First let me recomend a book or two.The first one is a classic and the title of this book is Think and Grow Rich.It was written by Napolian Hill.Mr.Hill was a guy that studied a lot of successfull people for a larg portion of his life and passed on what he learned to the rest of the world in a book.I believe this book is a classic.Good read .Check it out.If you don't have money to make a purchase,you can find it in most libraries.Tha second book that I recomend is Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peal.This also talks about your mindset and this tomb is also a classic.Ok now for what I want to put out to the univers is some good content .Content that is good for you.Folks when you get up in the morning I want you to realize that its a blessing in itself to wake up in the morning.I hope you get that becaus e some people are not going to wake upin the morning.You see,Today is the first day of the rest of your life and you can do just about anything that you wish.You have the choice to do better or not to do better.What are you going to choose? No one is going to do it for you guys.So you've got to do it yourself.The good news is that its posable.You can do it!It all starts with a thought.If you think you can ,youcan.If you think you can't than you can't.So its on you and once you see that and believe that .You'll find that its true also.FolkEmpower Network is really a no brainer.Give it a try.You owe it to yourself.To get more info go to you whenyou get in and I want to welcome you in advance. Dwayne313.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Blessings. (Have You Counted Them?)
Hey guys .Hows it going? Cold outside today so dress warm.Boy, be glad when the summer comes.I for one am ready for some warm weather.Got a birthday coming pretty soon. Yep, here comes another one.People its a blessing to see yet another birthday.So many people check out in a way that seems to be premature.I mean hey , while its a given that we all got to go sometime.There's no reason to be in the express lane.Speaking of blessings. That brings me to my point for todays blog post.
I know that I can't speak for everyone but I can speak for me.So with that let me say readers that I see so much good and so many blessings that I hardly know where to begin.Waking up this morning was a blessing by itself. Yes ,this is true.You see I know that the next day is not promised.For that matter the next hour or minute is not promised to us.Thats one good reason to make the most with each and everyday that we are given.People let me ask you something.Are you where you want to be in you life? I mean with everything? This includes the areas such as
1.)Finances. Do you have enough cash to live comfortable for yourself and your family?2.)Health. Are you in the best of health? Also are you free of any unhealthy habits, such as smoking and other harmful addictions?3.) Spiritual and mental health. Are you sane or are you a little off perhaps? You know,There places you can get help.
People ,just think about it.We have so many blessings. We can pretty much do, be or have anything that we want.The opertunities are within our reach.You do need to put in some work.Nobody gets a free ride.Let me add that it can be a very taxing endeavor to say the least..Sometimes you may feel like giving up but take it from me."don't"!!!
This is for anyone that wants to have a better lifestyle and those that desire to win in life.I have information that will really blow you away.If you want to hear and learn more you can call me at 1-443-469-6660. For more info Go to. Till next time
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Will Power. A Tool For Winning.
Hey guys.Its me(Everette Brogden The founder & CEO for BrogdenMedia). I want to talk with you today about a asset.This is a asset that we all have.Some of us know of its power and use it more than others.As a result those who engage the use of thier will power more allso have a tendency to succeed more offten.You see people more offten than notour life style,success,health,hapiness and wealth along with most everything ellse come down to a choice..Choices are so important but there is something more.Yes after you make the best choice there is something ellse.Theres not a whole lot to it.In fact its rather simple.You want to know what that is? Sure you do.So here it is .After youve made the correct choice you need to have the willpower to follow through.Yep thats it in a nutshell folks.So many of us know what to do but dont exsercise the willpower to see it through and without it we will be forever wishfull .So there you have it . The missing ellement.Try it for yourself .Make a choice and than use your willpower(all your heart & soul) and mindfully hold to your guns.Be in charge of yourself and know matter what (come hell or high water) stick to your decision.When you do this the chances of success are greatly increased.You'll find that the more you use your will ,the more likely you are to achieve the goals that you set for yourself in life.Hey guy,I believe in you.Know that the onlything greater than you is GOD himself.Till next time .Peace. P.S. For those of you that want to work for yourself .Here is a chance to run your own business.You can and the time is now .go to( and get started today.Remember willpower.
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