Samaung replacement earbuds

Friday, March 1, 2013

Why Me?

Hey there readers and welcome to the BrogdenMedia Blogpost.Question? "Have you ever lost something and it seems as thoe you only lost it because the time finally came when you needed it most" Well that happened to me today.It all started this morning .First thing this morning my cousin gave me a lift to an appointmentthat I had to attend.Once we got to the site I did everything that was required of me but then before I could leave I had to show my license.Needless to say I was really disapointed.My license and ID was not ther.Ouch, that hurts. Wow!So I know what comes next but not to worry.I just got to do it .Thats all.I do want to put this one thing out there .That one thing is this." Please if you or anyone ellse happens to find a wallet or purse with a persons ID.Please do the good thing and return it.You may be saving someone a lot of running around and cost.Thanks so much.Peace -Media Man-

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