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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wast Not, Want Not

Hey Family, Friends and Readers. I hope alls well. We are about to enter the month of March (my B Day month)and soon it will be spring time.Meantime we still got to deal with the cold, cold winter.So today I want to talk to you all about making the most out of what we have.Yeah , I know we want more and thats natural but for the most part before we are given increase we must make the most of what we already have.Its just like in school . You had to complete one grade before you moved on to a higher grade.Same thing happens at work.You will be promoted only if and when its proven that you can handle your present responsabilaty properly and then comes the promotions.So many of us just want more loot(money).Don't forget what Biggie said "More money, More problems". This is a true statment if I ever heard one.So first, lets get all of our ducks lined up and then move on.I want the best for all of my readers.Thats why when I find a good opertunity I always share them with my readers but remember its up to you to take advantage and follow through. If you want to chat.Go to the bottom of this page and contact me or you can Email me.To join my site look at the side bar . Till next time.Peace!!!

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