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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dog History

Hey Readers.Hows it going? I certainly hope you are having a good day.Have you ever wondered where dogs came from and how did we know they would make good pets?Well, I've read & read and then I did some research and guess what? There are a few speculations but no one knows for sure where dogs (mans best freind) comes from.I read the Bible and the best answer I can come up with is that GOD made the animals.Thats the best writen answer I could come up with. Hey ,but check this out( my thinking) OK now I had a German Shepard(Tank). His fathers name was Brutis.Both of these dogs had wolf in them.So if you look at a German Shepard you can see it may actually have come from wolves.Thats a good theory but what about the outher breeds of dogs? Thats a good question.I mean you've got foxes, bangies, dingoes and many other wild animals that resemble dogs.So with that said this subject deservs more research. Tillnext time .-E D Brogden.

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