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Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Welcome Readers... Once Again Its Your Boy FOUNDER &CMO:E.D.Brogden Hey What can I say ? Money Mayweather has done it again. Geraro(hope his name is spelled corectly),maybe the next time.Maybe Its just me but did anyone notice that Geraro's dad was nowhere to be found after the fight? I was suprised considering the fact that he had so much to say befor the fight.By the way ,it was a very good fight .I mean you could'nt ask for more.Oh ,heres a idea, it might be a good idea to not run your mouth so much before doing battle with a true champ.I don't know .Just an idea.Anyway ,great fight MR. Mayweather.So there you have it -Still the World Champian Floyd Money Mayweather- And What?

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