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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Deep Research

Hi Readers . This is your #1 writer coming to you with another lesson learned.Let me add to that "another lesson learned the hard way". I Share these sort of things because I know that if I put it out there,you'll read it and I know that you can and you will learn from it. Its like some people say "Learn from other peoples mistake".Yeah and thats all good.It can save you some time and maybe save you from lots of pain. What ever! Hey ,check this out. I found a niche  .This niche is profitable.I did ssome research but I was so happy to finally find a product that had such a demand I did just enough research.Guess what? It was not enough.I should have done more,lots more.You see. The product is hard to find domestically.I found myself having to order from China.Thats correct"Chin"!!!.So ,now I had orders and no products.Even if I dropshiped it was going to be a long drawn out process. My buyers were getting impatient.I dont blame them.With so much fraud and all going on today.I mean how could I? Well ,if I had researched a little more I would have known this and thus avoided the wholeepisode. So its a lesson learned.If you ever get into a situation like this one.Do you research.So now you know.  If you liked this please leave a comment .Thaks a bunch E. D. Brogden(BrogdenMedia's CEO & Owner)

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