Samaung replacement earbuds

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Hi Readers and welcome. Media Man here. Wonderfull Springtime is here and once again we will see natures first green.Truelly "Natures first green is beuatifull".I've heard this many times.I must say it is really true.Over the years I have taken the time to observe the new growth of sringtime and surely the grass as well as the tree leavs are a lighter colored green.If you take the time to check this out you will see that when fall comes,or not so much as the fall time ,but the later part of summer time.You will notice that the green is darker and although still plaesant,its not as beuatifull as in the spring time .So heres what you do .Take a camera and take a few photos of the first green in spring time.OK ,now hold on to these photos .Next I want you to make a not to go along with the photos.Calenders are OK but it may be go better if you make notes,especially if you can put the notes inside the photos.Lastly when the end of summer time comes neartake more photos.This works best if you can photograph the same sites and plants EXT. All thats left to do now is compare. PS> This is a time consumming task. Have a great summer -Everette-

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