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Thursday, February 21, 2013

I Think I Can...

Hey guys .Once again its me(edbrogden) and I want to share some information with you.Over the last couple of years or so I've read a lot of books and I learned a whole lot over those years people.Now I want to pass on what I 've learned in order to help others.Maybe together somones learning curve may be shortened.First let me recomend a book or two.The first one is a classic and the title of this book is  Think and Grow Rich.It was written by Napolian Hill.Mr.Hill was a guy that studied a lot of successfull people for a larg portion of his life and passed on what he learned to the rest of the world in a book.I believe this book is a classic.Good read .Check it out.If you don't have money to make a purchase,you can find it in most libraries.Tha second book that I recomend is Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peal.This also talks about your mindset and this tomb is also a classic.Ok now for what I want to put out to the univers is some good content .Content that is good for you.Folks when you get up in the morning I want you to realize that its a blessing in itself to wake up in the morning.I hope you get that becaus e some people are not going to wake upin the morning.You see,Today is the first day of the rest of your life and you can do just about anything that you wish.You have the choice to do better or not to do better.What are you going to choose? No one is going to do it for you guys.So you've got to do it yourself.The good news is that its posable.You can do it!It all starts with a thought.If you think you can ,youcan.If you think you can't than you can't.So its on you and once you see that and believe that .You'll find that its true also.FolkEmpower Network is really a no brainer.Give it a try.You owe it to yourself.To get more info go to you whenyou get in and I want to welcome you in advance. Dwayne313.


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