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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Will Power. A Tool For Winning.

Hey guys.Its me(Everette Brogden The founder & CEO for BrogdenMedia). I want to talk with you today about a asset.This is a asset that we all have.Some of us know of its power and use it more than others.As a result those who engage the use of thier will power more allso have a tendency to succeed more offten.You see people more offten than notour life style,success,health,hapiness and wealth along with most everything ellse come down to a choice..Choices are so important but there is something more.Yes after you make the best choice there is something ellse.Theres not a whole lot to it.In fact its rather simple.You want to know what that is? Sure you do.So here it is .After youve made the correct choice you need to have the willpower to follow through.Yep thats it in a nutshell folks.So many of us know what to do but dont exsercise the willpower to see it through and without it we will be forever wishfull .So there you have it . The missing ellement.Try it for yourself .Make a choice and than use your willpower(all your heart & soul) and mindfully hold to your guns.Be in charge of yourself and know matter what (come hell or high water) stick to your decision.When you do this the chances of success are greatly increased.You'll find that the more you use your will ,the more likely you are to achieve the goals that you set for yourself in life.Hey guy,I believe in you.Know that the onlything greater than you is GOD himself.Till next time .Peace.   P.S. For those of you that want to work for yourself .Here is a chance to run your own business.You can and the time is now .go to( and get started today.Remember willpower.


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