Samaung replacement earbuds

Saturday, November 16, 2013


HI readers. its me once again .Happy Sabath and I hope alls well. Recently I've had a mild case of writters block. Can you believe that? Me ! Of all things.Well It seems to me that this mild case of writters block came about because I had too many choices to choose from.Ain't that something? I'm currently experimenting with a few blogging platforms and its because of this that I to understand my newest ah ha moment.Now thats funny.(Too much is not enough .Here I was confronted with all these blogging platforms and yet I had nothing to blog about.Man,I sure learned a lesson because of this."Oh well, Such is life". As for blogging platforms I've decided "If it works stick with it". Don't get me wrong because there's nothing wrong with change, especially if its for the better.The thing to avoid is unnecessary change.This can be murder to you're creativity."Don't do it,please.If you are looking for a good blogging platform it not hard to find.The internet is full of blogging platforms.Some are free and others are premium but the cost is not out of reach.If you are going to start a blog you can began here.These are some of my favorites: 1.)WORDPRESS- Wordpress has both free and paid sites. 2.)BOGGER / BLOG SPOT- This is offered by Google. Its free and very popular. 3.)LIVE JOURNAL- they have both free and paid platforms. Ok these are my to[p 3 picks.More are available but I tend to stick with these.Take you're time and look around .I'm sure you'll find something that works for you.With that I'll say good by for now.Its been real and happy blogging. -E.D.Brogden- PS. For more infor visit our other sites at:

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