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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No Smoking...

Hi gang .Got to talk to you about smoking cigarettes.Personally myself ,well I'm not a smoker.I used to smoke.In fact I smoked for a lot of years(to many).What I'm going to share with you today is how I stoped smoking and broke the habit.Before I go any further let me say this the fist thing I did before anything was"I prayed". Yep you heard me correctly"I prayed to GOD" and I truly believe that if it were not for GOD I never would have been successfull.Now, to continue .I was so,so tired and stressed out ,my health was not at its best,if I was confronted with a test I would have to put forth a little extra effort and man oh man I was starting to feel it.I don't know about you but when it comes to me "I'm used to winning" and now with me getting older I find myself putting forth a little more effort.So eventually I came to a point and realized that I need a edge.I researched and desided that cigarettes had to go and that was final.If you feel like you need a boost or edge ,then you are going to have to make the hard choices and thats what I did.Hey look here . Take it from me ,if you want to stop smoking you can do it, well I believe anybody can.So what are you waiting for? Oh yeah .It depends on a lot of things .Some people start eating more.Fact of the matter is when you stop one habit you will most likely substitute it with another habit.A relative of mine started chewing gum instead of eating more food which can give you another problem in its place (overwieght).Whatever you do,you've got to start.So go ahead and just start.You can do it.Take it from me. Check this out.Tell you what I am going to do.Because I believe in you and I know you can do it.Here my info.Feel free to Email me with any questions.If you need some motivation call me .I'll be here. Call 443-469-6660 / Thanks from CMO & Founder: E.D.Brogden PS. For Info on our Marketing services.Feel free to visit our website online :

Friday, April 19, 2013


Hey guys ,Media Man here. Today we are going to talk about business logos.So if you have a business of your own than you'v come to the best place.I've been wanting to come up with a logo for some time now.So many choices .it can easily leave you over whelmed.Not to worry though because there is hope and I will soon get to the reason why.You see I search and searched the internet for some softwar and while plenty of softwar exist ,they were somewhat pricy.I did'nt give up though and before long it finally happened .Yep I came across the softwar that answers my needs.You may find this softwar usefull also.I see where I can add some value by sharring ,so here it is...Go to Okay now go and check it out .Its free.Pleas let me know how it works out for you and leave a comment. Holla back -MediaMan .For more info about our marketing packages go to - Thank you so much for your help.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Crunch Time!!!...(again.)

Well, well, here we are again ,another beuatifull day.Hope we all make the best of it.By the way do you realize that we are fastly approaching the half year mark?What about the things that you wanted to do this year(your goals)? If you hav'nt reached any of them as of yet.Can you still get there? Believe me when I say"Its not to late".You can still make it happenLook here,I don't have a clue as to where you are at.I will say this though.If you are seriouse about reaching your goals a good place to pick up on or began is with the most difacult goals and objectives fist.Yes. Lets get the mosttimechallenging things done forst. once thats done the remainder will be somewhate easier.OK, net make sure you write and organize your days.If you manage your time better you can get more things done.By doing this you may be suprised at the forward progress you acomplish.Remember"half the year is basically gone". So on that not I'll leave you with this.Peace&much prosperity. Now lets gooooo!!!Lets go, lets go!!!... PS. For information that will lead to a more productive business.Go to -

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Google Mania!!!

Hey guys. Google. So much that I can say about Google. Hardly know what to begin with. For the record ,yes I am a big fan of Google. Like most people I can be found on FaceBook but not to get it twisted ,I more often than not will be found pounding the keyboard at Google plus. Hey , it's just something about that good old Google that makes you go there.In case you did'nt know they (Google) have a whole host of apps . Too many to name here.That reminds me of a story.I remember back before the start of BrogdenMedia co. I needed more storage space .So I searched and came up with a good number of cloud services. I choose one called DropBox. I was happy with DropBox.Later I did another search( used Google search eng.) This time I was made aware of Google Docs( now Google Drive) .Google Drive has a free service & a paid service as well.To make a not so long story even shorter Google Drive(free) had twice the amount of gigs or space for free .So I gave them a try . Needless to say I've been using GD ever since.Go figure.Lol. For anyone thats about to start a business I highly recomend Google Talks.If you go to GT you will find a larg variety of business webinars.The webinars are free and very informative.Most of these GT webinars are hosted and presented by well known pros. Hey like I said this is a lot of info and if I was to share everything it would take to long.So on that note go and do a search and your homework.I can tell you this"you'll be happy you did".For the best in business marketing and to increase your business go too You can also reach us by Email . Till the next time "Do more Business!!!"...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Heat Is On .Or Is It?

Hi guys . Feels like a hundred degreese outside.Man , this is going to take some getting used to. The good thing is that the long awaited summer is finally come.Yep!.. Its not official though but its close and it sure feels like its summer time. Peaple ,I've got a few words of advice for you."Don't retire your winter garments as of yet."Reason being" Summers not official. still a while to go."So with that said . Enjoy the warm weather and stay in good health.And don't forget " For The Best Marketing Around You Just Got To Go To BrogdenMedia co. P.S. Don't forget to like us on FaceBook . CEO : E. D. Brogden.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dog History

Hey Readers.Hows it going? I certainly hope you are having a good day.Have you ever wondered where dogs came from and how did we know they would make good pets?Well, I've read & read and then I did some research and guess what? There are a few speculations but no one knows for sure where dogs (mans best freind) comes from.I read the Bible and the best answer I can come up with is that GOD made the animals.Thats the best writen answer I could come up with. Hey ,but check this out( my thinking) OK now I had a German Shepard(Tank). His fathers name was Brutis.Both of these dogs had wolf in them.So if you look at a German Shepard you can see it may actually have come from wolves.Thats a good theory but what about the outher breeds of dogs? Thats a good question.I mean you've got foxes, bangies, dingoes and many other wild animals that resemble dogs.So with that said this subject deservs more research. Tillnext time .-E D Brogden.

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