Samaung replacement earbuds

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hello everyone. It's MEDIA MAN again.I want to talk to you today about your energy level a d ways to increase it.It's a known fact that a great deal of Americans and people the world over for that matter are coffee consumers.While some drink it for the taste (I for one ,like the taste) there are many looking for a energy boost to help them to get started in the morning. Yes this works but you may soon find yourself looking for another shot .If you like your coffee sweet ,this may add to your temporary boost of energy but may cause one to crash.Hey ,I'm not trying to ruin it for you .I just believe there are other more healthier ways to start the day and boost our energy levels.OH YEAH BEFORE WE GET STARTED:(I AM NOT A EXPERT.WHAT I AM SHARING IS DUE TO MY RESEARCH AND READING.BEFORE INDULGING IN ANY WORKOUTS CHECK WITH A DOCTOR FIRST.)I often do deep breathing for ten to fifteen minutes in the morning and I like the effects. I feel great .Another way to get your energy up and create  better health is to start a running program .It can be just a few blocks or a quarter mile to start with.(its easier and more doable if you don't try and do too much in the beginning.For the creative types out there shadow boxing is also a great way to get the juices flowing.Well thats all for now. Good luck and remember GOD is good all the time.   Till next time MEDIA MAN

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